41.   The girls are raped, according to accounts given to military officials.

42.   The technology evolved in England, and the first actual use was a dragnet of an entire village after a young girl was raped and murdered.

43.   They have raped girls.

44.   Two girls are repeatedly raped by parents in a Brooklyn home deemed safe by the city.

45.   What goes on in the hearts of the gangs that rape the girls in their neighborhoods, or the rap singers who condone and promulgate such violence?

46.   Prosecutors said he raped the girl in March after threatening to throw her into the ocean from a cliff.

47.   Police said Colson admitted raping the girl several times over a period of eight years.

48.   Playgrounds were shelled, young girls raped and victims piled in mass graves as unthinking hatred led to ethnic cleansing and floods of starving refugees.

49.   Rebels without a cause terrorize the countryside lopping off heads, raping girls and abducting boys to train them as killers.

50.   A five-year-old girl was raped by a young man who lured her with a candy to a pond side bush, news reports said Monday.

v. + girl >>共 654
kill 5.16%
take 4.17%
rape 3.83%
get 2.07%
see 2.01%
have 1.96%
meet 1.70%
find 1.62%
injure 1.33%
include 1.28%
rape + n. >>共 97
woman 43.65%
girl 16.32%
child 4.59%
victim 2.90%
thousand 2.18%
daughter 2.06%
boy 1.69%
schoolgirl 1.57%
wife 1.57%
student 1.45%
每页显示:    共 134