41.   Hirshberg said that the company was also thinking about radio ads.

42.   Home Depot is running TV and radio ads telling consumers not to wait for their refund checks, but to start their home improvement project now.

43.   His only prominent supporter is his former boss, Cuomo, who is now being featured in radio ads urging people to support Davis.

44.   If Ms. Messinger wanted to run radio ads attacking Giuliani, she should have paid for them out of her sizable campaign war chest.

45.   In addition to newspaper and radio ads, career days at community colleges and recruiting trips to military bases, they offer rewards for employees who recruit new guards.

46.   In addition to radio ads, the Internet has become a favorite tool of groups seeking to influence the Senate.

47.   In addition, Forbes has been blitzing the state with radio ads and is expected to host a half-hour call-in infomercial Friday night.

48.   In recent days, both sides have been airing radio ads urging their supporters to call the governor.

49.   It saw McCain surge from far back in the polls to overtake Bush in a few weeks, then slip under a barrage of negative television and radio ads.

50.   Johnson was behind a series of radio ads airing late last year in rizona, Iowa and New Hampshire that attacked the speech restrictions.

n. + ad >>共 431
television 17.45%
newspaper 11.78%
campaign 6.80%
radio 6.40%
attack 6.36%
banner 4.74%
issue 4.13%
tobacco 2.55%
cigarette 2.51%
liquor 1.17%
radio + n. >>共 387
station 29.37%
report 7.58%
show 4.63%
broadcast 3.67%
interview 3.31%
address 3.21%
contact 2.67%
program 2.28%
host 2.01%
signal 1.63%
ad 1.16%
每页显示:    共 157