41.   An Indian air force statement said its planes scrambled to intercept the Pakistani aircraft after it was detected by radar on the ground.

42.   By late morning, radar only detected widely scattered showers across the southern coastal waters of Puerto Rico and near St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

43.   Doppler weather radar detected areas of dense fog on the upslope northern side of interior mountains.

44.   Doppler weather radar detected just a few middle level clouds, but no rain, over the local area.

45.   Doppler weather radar detected patches of low rain clouds over the area northeast of the islands.

46.   Doppler weather radar detected another band of showers over Vieques.

47.   Doppler weather radar detected areas of patchy fog that formed in the interior valleys of Puerto Rico.

48.   Ground radar easily detects incursions in the relatively flat and featureless terrain.

49.   He also said Japanese radar detected aircraft leaving a base in North Korea and heading toward the area where the intruding ships were being pursued.

50.   He noted that before the ships were called off, Japanese radar had detected aircraft leaving a base in North Korea and heading toward the ships.

n. + detect >>共 332
radar 10.37%
test 6.54%
sensor 3.31%
doctor 3.23%
system 2.88%
scientist 2.27%
device 2.01%
machine 1.92%
official 1.74%
satellite 1.39%
radar + v. >>共 109
detect 21.25%
indicate 16.43%
be 10.54%
show 9.29%
track 3.57%
pick_up 2.68%
monitor 1.43%
lock 1.43%
cover 1.25%
have 1.07%
每页显示:    共 118