41.   Motor racing fans have been slavering for weeks at the prospect of the two giants doing battle, and they have not been disappointed.

a. + fan >>共 1618
english 2.97%
big 2.72%
home 2.44%
young 1.96%
ceiling 1.67%
loyal 1.56%
local 1.50%
angry 1.32%
rival 1.28%
longtime 1.21%
racing 0.48%
racing + n. >>共 381
team 4.66%
career 4.50%
season 3.36%
surface 3.28%
car 3.28%
fan 3.13%
world 2.90%
industry 2.82%
circuit 2.37%
driver 2.21%
每页显示:    共 41