41.   Some youngsters pick through the rubble looking for anything that can be put to use and perhaps sold to earn their families a little money.

42.   That force was put in place to implement an elusive Kosovo peace agreement but put to use to assist with the humanitarian dimensions of the crisis.

43.   The commission argues that these licenses should be returned to the government so they can be reauctioned and put to use.

44.   The new system will first be put to use in early August during an antiques show.

45.   There are much better ways in which the congressional hearing process could be put to use.

46.   He said it was likely that smaller aircraft taken from routes being closed would be put to use on the shuttle runs.

47.   As a run-down industrial city, it has access to European Union allocations which have been put to use opening new museums.

48.   Data collected by a Franco-American satellite on currents in the Gulf of Mexico has been put to use in studies of sperm whales and dolphins, NASA said Thursday.

49.   These included unnecessary uniforms for civilian personnel, snow scooters that were not put to use and remained idle, luxurious heavy buses, and excessive drinking water supplies.

50.   We asked for equipment we could put to use, not junk.

v. + use >>共 672
make 4.49%
be 4.10%
put 2.52%
opt 2.37%
do 2.27%
create 2.07%
produce 1.58%
calculate 1.48%
develop 1.43%
build 1.38%
put + v. >>共 126
work 23.31%
rest 22.18%
use 9.59%
sleep 9.21%
pay 2.63%
find 1.50%
say 1.13%
stay 0.75%
shame 0.75%
vote 0.56%
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