41.   Others may care about parallel universes, black holes or the possibility of punching through our local space-time configuration into past or future states.

42.   Previously, the board had counted only chads with two or more corners punched through as votes.

43.   Previously, the board had been counting only chads with two or more corners punched through.

44.   Putnam punched through two kitchen windows and called for Sigmund Einbu before a neighbor convinced him to back away because of the flames.

45.   Rotating the sail maneuvering planes to vertical, he ordered the ballast tanks emptied by high-pressure air, and the sub punched through the ice.

46.   Rectangular windows are punched through otherwise unadorned facades.

47.   Sam punched through steel, stared down Axis battleship cannons and fought atop the Statue of Liberty.

48.   So they started over, counting only the votes from cards that were at least partly punched through.

49.   Some have holes punched through them and are printed on all manner of funky materials, even wood and metal.

50.   Soldiers searched homes, punching through walls to move from one house to the other.

v. + through >>共 930
continue 3.35%
work 2.78%
make 2.76%
cut 2.67%
spread 2.40%
push 1.57%
suffer 1.38%
last 1.12%
play 1.11%
sell 1.09%
punch 0.30%
punch + p. >>共 40
through 23.38%
up 10.39%
into 9.96%
on 8.66%
with 8.23%
at 4.98%
down 4.76%
to 4.76%
out_of 3.68%
during 3.03%
每页显示:    共 107