41.   The study looked at chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

42.   The smokers said the unprecedented, industry-funded screening program could lead to the early detection of lung cancer, emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

43.   They are asking the companies to pay for annual medical tests to detect lung and pulmonary diseases.

44.   The woman needed the transplant because she suffered chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

45.   Genentech also announced Monday it had stopped testing of Pulmozyme on patients hospitalized for acute episodes of chronic obstrutive pulmonary disease because it showed little benefit to patients.

46.   She died Thursday of cancer and pulmonary disease in Portland, Oregon.

a. + disease >>共 848
infectious 9.66%
liver 4.06%
chronic 3.57%
deadly 2.73%
cardiovascular 2.53%
rare 2.47%
contagious 2.23%
fatal 2.10%
human 1.76%
serious 1.72%
pulmonary 0.62%
pulmonary + n. >>共 76
hypertension 15.45%
disease 12.04%
embolism 10.73%
fibrosis 8.38%
anthrax 5.50%
edema 4.97%
tuberculosis 4.19%
problem 3.40%
specialist 2.09%
medicine 2.09%
每页显示:    共 46