41.   Now the public seems certain to include Shakespeare lovers interested in studying the fine features of the youthful Third Earl of Southampton.

42.   Once again, as in impeachment, the public seems to have a sounder grip on reality than GOP agenda writers.

43.   Over time, the public seems to have grown immune to the sales pitches of most super jocks.

44.   Some consultants are still dubious about the whole trend, particularly during an election cycle when the public seems tuned out of politics.

45.   So far, a nervous public seems willing to try.

46.   Such would be the result of their own plans, they argue, but the public seems to disagree.

47.   Sunday, he spoke as precisely positive toward the president as the American public seems to feel in the booming poll ratings.

48.   Sympathetic celebrities like Mary Tyler Moore and Christopher Reeve have paraded before congressional committees to plead for it, and the public seems to be leaning in this direction.

49.   The American public seems to hate government, most of all the federal government.

50.   The Croatian public seems to be fully behind a war to retake the region.

n. + seem >>共 1552
people 2.07%
investor 1.12%
thing 1.12%
side 0.82%
official 0.77%
player 0.72%
government 0.62%
team 0.61%
company 0.60%
problem 0.59%
public 0.32%
public + v. >>共 590
be 15.66%
have 7.80%
want 3.85%
see 3.26%
know 2.52%
seem 2.29%
get 2.02%
support 1.39%
think 1.20%
expect 1.20%
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