41.   Federal prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Battle.

42.   Federal prosecutors Wednesday sought to dispel any notion that her actions were justified.

43.   Federal prosecutors will be seeking the death penalty in the Unabom case.

44.   Federal prosecutors will seek the death penalty for Kristen Gilbert, a nurse who allegedly murdered a patient with injections of epinephrine, a drug that induces heart attacks.

45.   Federal prosecutors would likely seek the death penalty for any suspect accused of playing a major role in planning the attack.

46.   Flinn appeared in dress blues Tuesday for the court-martial proceedings, which military prosecutors sought to start on schedule.

47.   Failure to comply with financial-disclosure laws is a misdemeanor, but prosecutors could seek felony perjury charges if they felt Symington knowingly evaded reporting requirements.

48.   For that, prosecutors are seeking a death penalty for McKinney.

49.   For those who raise a red flag after questioning, federal prosecutors will seek to bring felony charges allowing them to be held, an official said.

50.   Gregg Perry, a spokesman for Attorney General Jeffrey Pine, said that prosecutors would seek to try her as an adult.

n. + seek >>共 771
government 5.93%
company 5.37%
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official 3.02%
investor 2.69%
administration 2.17%
police 2.09%
group 2.01%
authority 1.80%
suit 1.68%
prosecutor + v. >>共 517
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be 2.86%
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ask 2.33%
seek 2.23%
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