41.   A holiday camp outside Lisbon is teaching children campers how to drive cars, prompting strong criticism from a road safety group, news reports said Saturday.

42.   All three have long charged similar rates, prompting criticism that a closed market has let them avoid competing on price.

43.   Although voluntary, the mass DNA screening prompted criticism from civil libertarians.

44.   As a professor, Tanner was known as a gentle and generous teacher, prompting occasional criticism from colleagues that he was too soft on students.

45.   Atherton decided against calling a training session on Friday and gave the squad a day off, prompting more criticism from British journalists on the tour.

46.   But in some cases, political conditions have been imposed, prompting criticism from Africa that the West is impinging on African sovereignty.

47.   Civilian deaths and the high number of refugees have prompted international criticism of the war, which is popular among Russians.

48.   Croatia imposed a ban Wednesday on oil transports transiting the country, prompting sharp criticism from neighboring Slovenia and Bosnia.

49.   Difficulties in bringing the fires under control prompted harsh criticism from municipal authorities towards the central government for not earmarking enough resources to combat the seasonal fires.

50.   Each defeat or tie prompted heavy criticism from the press, which called for Moeller Nielsen either to renew the team or resign.

v. + criticism >>共 525
draw 19.80%
face 7.91%
reject 4.39%
dismiss 4.06%
follow 2.18%
deflect 1.96%
spark 1.89%
take 1.89%
prompt 1.80%
avoid 1.56%
prompt + n. >>共 1034
speculation 4.39%
concern 4.07%
call 2.89%
protest 2.88%
criticism 2.08%
authority 1.97%
fear 1.84%
investigation 1.57%
change 1.53%
decision 1.44%
每页显示:    共 112