41.   That stops a particular gene from producing the protein for which it holds the recipe.

42.   The adult cloned sheep would produce the proteins in their milk, where they could be easily harvested.

43.   The bacteria is now sprayed on crops as a biological insecticide, but researchers have been figuring out ways to get plants themselves to start producing the proteins.

44.   The biggest star is Amgen, which uses genetically engineered bacteria to produce human proteins that are used in blockbuster drugs for kidney dialysis and cancer treatment.

45.   The cells have been fitted with human genes that cause the cells to produce the protein.

46.   The Bt gene is inserted into the seeds of many crops to produce a protein that acts as a pesticide.

47.   The current method forces the researchers to wait months for the cells to grow to produce enough protein.

48.   The closely held Palo Alto, California-based company is developing genetically altered mice to produce human proteins for fighting and diagnosing disease.

49.   The gene normally causes the body to produce a protein called cystatin B, which blocks the action of enzymes that degrade other cell proteins.

50.   The genes in the yeast will produce human proteins.

v. + protein >>共 229
produce 13.67%
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contain 4.93%
use 2.83%
identify 2.71%
find 1.97%
block 1.97%
have 1.85%
eat 1.48%
add 1.35%
produce + n. >>共 1722
result 3.89%
evidence 1.86%
weapon 1.01%
agreement 0.93%
show 0.90%
goods 0.89%
electricity 0.86%
product 0.85%
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