41.   Revenue coverage protects farmers against price fluctuations and losses in crop yields, while conventional policies only cover yield losses.

42.   Richardson said he had recommended against release on the ground that price fluctuation did not meet the test of emergency.

43.   Since most companies buy steel on long-term contracts, few fear immediate price fluctuations.

44.   That caused all trades to prompt price fluctuations.

45.   The ability to sell short securities is essential in a market with wild price fluctuations.

46.   The guarantees violated rules that required farmers to operate independently in order to qualify for the subsidy program, which was established to protect small farmers from price fluctuations.

47.   The tooth market, meanwhile, is exhibiting wild price fluctuations.

48.   The terms of the deal, which is expected to close in October, are not affected by stock price fluctuations, they said.

49.   The structure shields Texas Instruments from some of the price fluctuations, but analysts said if DRAM prices continue to fall, it could crimp earnings.

50.   This is because chemicals companies are classic cyclical stocks which have extremely high fixed costs, leaving them susceptible to minor price fluctuations.

n. + fluctuation >>共 65
currency 50.44%
price 16.81%
market 5.13%
exchange-rate 3.72%
velocity 3.19%
rate 2.30%
quantum 1.42%
interest-rate 1.24%
oil 1.06%
power 1.06%
price + n. >>共 361
increase 14.28%
hike 5.14%
control 4.74%
rise 4.71%
cut 4.58%
competition 2.85%
range 2.65%
pressure 2.58%
decline 2.46%
cap 2.36%
fluctuation 0.93%
每页显示:    共 94