41.   Corn prices edged up to another new four-month high Friday on the Chicago Board of Trade in mostly quiet trading ahead of the weekend.

42.   Consumer prices edged up last month as electricity prices continued to surge while the cost of gasoline and other energy products retreated.

43.   Corn prices edged lower.

44.   Corn prices also edged lower at the opening under pressure from the weather, before rebounding somewhat.

45.   Dollar selling by U.S. funds pushed the currency down slightly against the yen in Tokyo on Wednesday, while stock prices edged up in quiet trading.

46.   Gasoline prices edged down a fraction of a cent over the past two weeks, despite tensions in oil-producing regions like the Middle East and South America.

47.   Gasoline prices may edge higher.

48.   Gold prices edged up.

49.   Gold prices edged lower.

50.   Gold prices edged up in London and Zurich, but remained below their Wednesday closing levels.

n. + edge >>共 255
price 19.53%
dollar 17.27%
stock 11.51%
future 3.70%
index 2.47%
soybean 1.75%
wheat 1.75%
corn 1.54%
rate 1.13%
share 1.13%
price + v. >>共 308
be 18.75%
fall 11.71%
rise 11.21%
close 3.83%
drop 2.35%
go 1.80%
remain 1.74%
continue 1.65%
soar 1.64%
move 1.22%
edge 0.63%
每页显示:    共 189