41.   Neither Republicans nor Democrats want to risk being accused, in the present climate, of doing or saying anything unpatriotic.

42.   Such bravado is bound to raise expectations of performance beyond any level that he is likely to achieve in the present divisive political climate.

43.   The bill is expected to pass, although in the present partisan climate nothing is cast in stone.

44.   The present climate hardly seems a time to start a Web site, but theBoxingdigest.com is going to will give it a try.

45.   With all this honor being paid to art, why is the present cultural climate so stifled by oppressive appeals to normalcy?

46.   Another rise in salaries in the present climate would be inflationary.

47.   Demand for temporary executive staff has climbed as companies remain reluctant to employ new staff under the present economic climate, according to executive recruitment companies.

48.   He foresaw that Malaysians, instead of buying new cars during the present economic climate, would maintain their old cars with new parts.

49.   He said under the present economic climate, the bridge users should not be burdened by a toll hike.

50.   Heywood, who is also general manager of the Shangri-la Hotel here, said the present climate in the industry was very competitive.

a. + climate >>共 626
political 12.16%
current 8.49%
economic 6.90%
global 3.83%
new 2.81%
warmer 1.94%
warm 1.94%
present 1.70%
tropical 1.55%
hot 1.20%
present + n. >>共 1491
system 3.56%
situation 2.99%
government 2.59%
form 2.28%
day 2.15%
time 2.12%
crisis 1.56%
level 1.47%
study 1.28%
state 1.26%
climate 0.89%
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