41.   Contrary to popular opinion, unwed motherhood is often a transitory state.

42.   Contrary to popular opinion, you can find some benign programs on television for children.

43.   Contrary to popular opinion, book publishers are in business to make profits, not enhance modern American literature.

44.   Contrary to popular opinion, I very seldom have done that during a game.

45.   Contrary to popular opinion, not everybody in Fayette County is rich.

46.   Contrary to popular opinion, the thought of losing homegrown talent to wealthier clubs is not as repugnant as it seems.

47.   Contrary to popular opinion, which has the promoter swimming in profits, Zuckerman said his margins on a successful concert were quite slim.

48.   Contrary to popular opinion -- or at least her opinion -- television has never been better.

49.   Contrary to popular opinion, ground spices will last a year or two with proper conditions, she adds.

50.   Contrary to popular opinion, the recent rule changes work in your favor.

a. + opinion >>共 606
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different 4.45%
strong 4.39%
legal 3.44%
popular 3.29%
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concurring 2.21%
separate 2.18%
popular + n. >>共 1191
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tourist 1.56%
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sport 1.18%
figure 1.08%
belief 1.00%
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