41.   Peasants, fishermen and the working poor of the rural countryside could not afford it.

42.   Preschool is good for children, but the working poor and the middle class are struggling to pay for it.

43.   Richard P. Verlasky represents mostly the working poor with everyday problems.

44.   Public programs for the working poor in states like Minnesota have had little effect on the overall number of uninsured workers.

45.   Republicans had pushed for measures to help the working poor who live in public housing.

46.   Roth is also opposed to the earned income tax credit for the working poor that has been championed by President Clinton, saying it is riddled with fraud.

47.   She accused the previous government of abandoning the working poor to the whims of stingy employers.

48.   She says a lot of workers, particularly the working poor, could benefit from a no interest loan program at their workplace.

49.   She referred to a variety of proposals, including restoring food stamp help for the working poor and nursing home eligibility for elderly legal immigrants.

50.   So in Arkansas, as in much of the South, the squeeze on the working poor is especially pronounced.

a. + working >>共 360
inner 17.15%
poor 8.39%
busy 2.92%
hard 2.92%
internal 2.36%
comfortable 2.26%
official 1.51%
american 1.32%
normal 1.13%
living 1.04%
poor + n. >>共 917
people 5.56%
country 4.79%
performance 3.63%
health 3.05%
family 2.95%
condition 2.69%
child 2.06%
neighborhood 1.95%
nation 1.73%
weather 1.60%
working 0.46%
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