41.   Today, however, the political objective is much more murky.

42.   Working to fill in the details of a U.S. vision for a permanent peace, Powell said political objectives must be pursued alongside talks to end the current violence.

43.   He failed to set out any other political objective or to explain how he would campaign in areas not controlled by his Serb and Croat allies.

44.   He said even criminal actions that had nothing to do with political objectives were condoned in an effort to protect the identity of police hitmen.

45.   The opposition leader, who is also mayor of Antananarivo, was confident that neither Ratsiraka nor the military would undermine his political objectives.

46.   These include the closing of certain camps used by hutu extremists for their political objectives against the Kigali regime.

47.   Ravalomanana, who is also mayor of Antananarivo, was confident that neither President Didier Ratsiraka nor the military would undermine his political objectives.

48.   Ruehe said Europe and the United States must agree common political objectives and strategies in a world facing the risk of rising regional conflicts.

49.   So there will be strong pressure on the IMF experts, who will have to sail between the Scylla of economic austerity policies and the Charybdis of political objectives.

a. + objective >>共 321
main 11.71%
primary 4.66%
key 3.33%
political 3.26%
military 3.13%
ultimate 2.33%
prime 2.33%
major 2.33%
clear 2.33%
same 2.00%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
reform 1.07%
crisis 1.03%
opponent 0.97%
career 0.97%
issue 0.93%
objective 0.05%
每页显示:    共 49