41.   The political dissent is healthy, and the unfettered broadcasting from battle areas around Grozny is welcome confirmation that Russian reporting has recovered from Soviet censorship.

42.   The State Department earlier this year reported that political dissent in China had effectively been completely stifled through a campaign of repressive measures including jailings and forced exiles.

43.   Their influence with Republicans has added to the pressure on Democrats from liberal groups who contend China last year finally silenced all political dissent.

44.   Their on-line efforts, they say, supplement traditional forms of political dissent.

45.   Though Jordan enjoys more freedoms than other Arab nations, political dissent has not been allowed.

46.   This proposed amendment would empower Congress to restrict political dissent.

47.   To many Cuban Americans in Miami, the appearances by Ms. Serrano Puig and Ms. Benitez are signs of increasing tolerance for political dissent about Cuba.

48.   While the summer sweep of discos and karaoke bars and the detention of people voicing political dissent happen every year, the crackdown appears unusually harsh this year.

49.   While the summer sweep of discos and karaoke bars and detentions of people voicing political dissent is an annual event, the crackdown appears unusually harsh this year.

50.   You still use your laws to criminalize all sorts of peaceful activities, from political dissent to environmental advocacy.

a. + dissent >>共 169
political 27.15%
internal 7.45%
public 5.96%
peaceful 3.31%
separate 2.81%
open 2.48%
growing 1.99%
stifling 1.99%
stinging 1.66%
lone 1.49%
political + n. >>共 919
party 6.88%
leader 2.98%
prisoner 1.59%
analyst 1.43%
system 1.09%
reform 1.07%
crisis 1.03%
opponent 0.97%
career 0.97%
issue 0.93%
dissent 0.18%
每页显示:    共 163