41.   Police said yesterday the terrible injuries on their bodies, washed up on a beach, could be Deceptive.

42.   Police say Avanesian got odd jobs, working to rebuild generators and alternators for auto-electrical shops in the area.

43.   Police say few police investigations have been opened in these cases because of sketchy information or absence of criminal intent.

44.   Police say he was stopped for a traffic violation.

45.   Police say it gives youngsters licence to break the law.

46.   Police say it was a particularly nasty attack.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
detain 1.33%
use 1.17%
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