41.   The plot thickens.

42.   The plot thickens as Alexandria University Hospital nursing staff declares its support for accused mass murderer Aida Noureddin.

43.   They do, the plot thickens, and Angels mix it up with bad people.

44.   As the plot thickens, the couple will play out their romance on lush Brazilian landscapes, Amaral said.

n. + thicken >>共 98
cloud 17.49%
mixture 15.67%
sauce 15.67%
plot 11.49%
gravy 2.35%
skin 2.09%
liquid 1.83%
soup 1.83%
voice 1.31%
fog 1.04%
plot + v. >>共 247
be 35.62%
thicken 4.02%
involve 3.74%
have 2.65%
turn 1.74%
revolve 1.64%
exist 1.64%
unfold 1.55%
take 1.46%
get 1.37%
每页显示:    共 44