41.   As of now, the incoming president has no plans to have any presence in Austin after he takes office on Saturday.

42.   At least one analyst believes, the MirCorp plan has some promise.

43.   At the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a non-profit group in Washington, David L. Sobel, the legal counsel, said the message plan had positive aspects.

44.   Banks like Fleet Financial Group Inc. and State Street Corp. plan to have their crucial software updated by mid-year.

45.   Because that partnership plan had to be negotiated with the labor unions, it was shelved and replaced by an out-and-out merger.

46.   Both plans have provisions meant to insulate the poor.

47.   Both the Massachusetts and New Hampshire plans have neither residency requirements nor borders.

48.   Both the city and the state pledge not to enroll more patients in any plans until they are sure the plans have enough doctors.

49.   Boyd, the analyst, said the plan had its logic.

50.   -- Some plans have strict limits on the length of hospital stays for routine operations, like a Caesarean section or a hernia operation.

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