41.   But the plan calls for a simulcast-wagering building to be open in time for the Triple Crown events next year.

42.   But the plans call for letting consumers use the service for free, charging a license fee only when users crest past a set number of e-mails.

43.   But the plan also calls for some federal and state funding, which could prove difficult to secure.

44.   Company founder Eric Kuhn says plans call for inclusion of Arizona State University book lists by the fall semester.

45.   Company officials said their plans call for purchasing Medcast with Healtheon stock, completing the acquisition in September as soon as the WebMD-Healtheon union is complete.

46.   Contingency plans would call for off-duty guards to return to work to watch prisoners.

47.   Curiously, his plan does not call for consolidating many of those programs, though some would be refined, refocused, or redirected.

48.   Current plans call for American forces to be supplemented and then replaced, for the most part, by an international police force operating under United Nations auspices.

49.   Current plans call for a primary to be conducted by mail-in ballot, with the result to be announced at the convention.

50.   Current plans call for rallies in all three cities, followed by a fund-raiser in Houston, where Clinton will spend the night.

n. + call >>共 869
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plan + v. >>共 646
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