41.   The fresh impetus surfaced after two White House meetings Tuesday in which Arafat promised again to try to curb the violence that has plagued the region.

42.   The lawless region has been plagued by kidnappings and violence.

43.   The monetary crisis that has plagued this region is apparently more serious and long-lasting than first thought.

44.   The region has been plagued by severe problems with electric power over the past two years.

45.   The region is plagued by a form of malaria that has proven resistant to treatment with drugs.

46.   The region is plagued by banditry and long-standing ethnic and economic rivalries.

47.   The protest is expected to further cut power output and worsen the energy crisis that already plagues the region.

48.   The so-called Islamic Guarantee Window, which was supposed to be launched late last year was postponed due to economic problems plaguing the region, including Malaysia.

49.   The region has been plagued by kidnappings but they have invariably been resolved peacefully.

50.   The region has been plagued by kidnappings since the Chechen war.

v. + region >>共 622
visit 8.10%
leave 4.85%
hit 3.58%
tour 3.05%
destabilize 2.51%
flee 2.31%
dominate 2.12%
affect 1.95%
plague 1.86%
control 1.83%
plague + n. >>共 451
country 5.91%
region 4.64%
company 2.81%
team 2.74%
industry 2.53%
area 2.11%
government 1.90%
part 1.55%
project 1.55%
program 1.48%
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