41.   The manufacturers then argued that the products were cosmetics, and the FDA allowed them on the market pending another review.

42.   The Nevada State Athletic Commission has suspended Tyson pending further review.

43.   The state Supreme Court, however, ruled that the program could continue this year, pending its review.

44.   The team finally got them but Krupp remains suspended pending their review . . . Yet another veteran has retired because of post-concussion problems.

45.   Virginia basketball coach Jeff Jones said Alexander was suspended pending a review of the incident.

46.   Yet for all these serious problems, the fund wisely downplayed its decision to withhold loan disbursements pending a review next month.

47.   Pending periodic reviews, ISA detainees can be held without trial indefinitely.

48.   A bill, pending review in Parliament, would require deportees to report to police stations periodically.

49.   After his inauguration in January, President Bush suspended talks with North Korea on curbing its missile program, pending a review of U.S. policy.

v. + review >>共 344
receive 7.31%
complete 6.01%
conduct 5.52%
get 4.68%
draw 3.15%
order 3.04%
pend 2.83%
mix 2.76%
write 2.27%
include 2.24%
pend + n. >>共 262
investigation 11.52%
outcome 10.53%
appeal 8.50%
approval 6.23%
notification 5.96%
trial 5.09%
hearing 4.51%
result 3.26%
decision 3.20%
announcement 2.62%
review 2.36%
每页显示:    共 80