41.   Egypt, which has a peace treaty with Israel, is a solid US ally in the region and a major peace broker in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

42.   The two sides have been observing a one-month ceasefire since Christmas and the government is in talks with Norwegian peace brokers to establish a lasting peace.

43.   They are also considered by Washington, the key Middle East peace broker, as their top Arab allies and maintain close links with Arafat.

44.   Top Tamil Tiger guerrillas have opened discussions with Norwegian peace brokers to prepare for historic talks in Thailand with the Sri Lankan government, rebel radio said Wednesday.

45.   It also helped the European Union press its case for a bigger role as peace broker.

46.   Norway is acting as a peace broker and Helgesen arrived in Sri Lanka Saturday to arrange logistics and an agenda for the negotiations.

47.   On Wednesday, a sea-plane arranged by Norwegian peace brokers landed at the rebel-held Iranamadu irrigation and returned to the Maldives with Balasingham.

48.   Norwegian peace brokers left here Tuesday after talks with President Chandrika Kumaratunga ahead of arranging a face-to-face meeting between Tamil rebels and the Colombo government, officials said.

49.   Peace broker Norway was told foreign monitors could have unrestricted access to naval craft to ensure there was no violation of the truce, the prime minister said.

50.   Peace broker Norway is sending deputy foreign minister Vidar Helgesen here Thursday to wrap up a bilateral ceasefire agreement ahead of negotiations aimed at ending decades of ethnic bloodshed.

n. + broker >>共 178
mortgage 13.24%
ticket 7.55%
peace 6.44%
floor 4.95%
retail 3.71%
real-estate 3.34%
commodity 2.97%
bond 2.85%
investment 2.48%
future 2.10%
peace + n. >>共 152
process 21.79%
talk 20.97%
agreement 8.83%
accord 7.96%
plan 5.27%
treaty 4.34%
negotiation 4.26%
deal 3.88%
effort 3.46%
force 2.21%
broker 0.11%
每页显示:    共 52