41.   But the same panel did not recommend approval of another Chiron drug, Depocyt, for use in patients with neoplastic meningitis arising from solid tumors.

42.   But there were methodological weaknesses in those studies, the report said, and the panel recommended further research.

43.   Citing the lack of evidence that the new drugs reduce heart attacks and strokes, that panel recommended that old drugs be the preferred first line of treatment.

44.   Cygnus has designed a glucose monitor and a U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel has recommended its approval.

45.   Congress is likely to take action next year, but the end result may be quite different from what the panel recommended today.

46.   Earlier today, the panel recommended approval of the first injectable antibiotic for the most common type of childhood middle ear infection.

47.   Each company withdrew its application after an independent FCC-appointed panel recommended that the agency not award such a license to any of the three.

48.   Earlier this month the panels recommended closing a number of embassies around the world that are vulnerable to terrorist threats.

49.   Earlier this week, a government advisory panel recommended the company be split up into three companies.

50.   Earlier today, the same panel unanimously recommended agency approval of Albunex for use in diagnosing blockages in fallopian tubes.

n. + recommend >>共 530
report 8.77%
panel 6.77%
doctor 6.72%
commission 5.92%
committee 5.79%
expert 4.12%
official 2.81%
board 2.73%
police 1.90%
group 1.72%
panel + v. >>共 650
say 8.12%
be 6.70%
recommend 4.60%
have 3.54%
find 3.13%
rule 3.00%
decide 2.06%
meet 1.89%
include 1.80%
make 1.67%
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