41.   The two young women are encumbered with multilayer gowns and scarves, and are holding several pieces of their pottery and a palm frond that symbolizes their martyrdom.

42.   The victory bouquet includes an olive branch, symbolizing peace, a laurel for glory, a palm frond for victory, magnolia for perseverance and leucothoe for friendship.

43.   They ran to the side of the road, scores of people waving wildflowers or palm fronds or anything they could pluck from trees lining the route.

44.   They show the Greek goddess Victory holding a laurel wreath over her head and cradling palm fronds in in her arm.

45.   They whip the air with palm fronds to make the violent hiss I first heard in the apartment.

46.   Tropical flowers, such as birds of paradise, and banana leaves and palm fronds are easily arranged in plain vases or cans of water hidden in baskets.

47.   Tree branches and palm fronds reach across the tile walkway, as if to grasp hands in the middle, keeping away the curious.

48.   What do wrought-iron grilles and palm fronds have in common with those sleek black VCRs, those nuclear yellow Sports Walkmen?

49.   Palm fronds rustle in the breeze and a bird trills, the only sounds in this Angolan hamlet after residents fled during combat between UNITA rebels and government troops.

50.   A palm frond will be put in the club house and a fifth site will be covered up.

n. + frond >>共 15
palm 77.31%
fennel 5.88%
fern 4.20%
banana 2.52%
shield 1.68%
bottom 0.84%
bracken 0.84%
cedar 0.84%
coconut 0.84%
dill 0.84%
palm + n. >>共 111
tree 57.19%
frond 10.50%
leaf 3.31%
print 3.20%
branch 2.40%
grove 1.83%
reader 1.37%
olein 1.03%
computer 1.03%
rest 1.03%
每页显示:    共 92