41.   The order applies to state-owned shops and private enterprises alike, the newspaper said.

42.   The order applied only to members of the U.N. disarmament commission.

43.   The order only applies to vehicles sold in California.

44.   The suspension order applies to all cases in which officials believe the person will resist deportation, said Interior Ministry spokeswoman Andrea Schumacher.

45.   U.N. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the order applies to the Banyamulenge, ethnic Tutsis who have lived in eastern Zaire for generations.

46.   While FAA orders do not apply to those aircraft, foreign aviation bodies typically follow U.S. suggestions on safety matters.

47.   The order applies to all premises, not just monasteries, the Tibetan sources said.

48.   Local Government Minister Ernie Page said the order applies only to the American pit bull, and not the three other breeds of bull terrier.

49.   Other military sources say the order applies nationwide and is not confined to Siem Reap.

n. + apply >>共 1176
rule 7.11%
law 6.24%
company 2.65%
ban 2.00%
restriction 2.00%
principle 1.56%
ruling 1.54%
bill 1.14%
standard 1.13%
regulation 1.09%
order 0.81%
order + v. >>共 556
be 24.00%
come 9.06%
have 1.98%
fall 1.92%
go 1.72%
require 1.46%
apply 1.43%
say 1.40%
remain 1.34%
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