41.   Officials closed off the entrance that was the site of the shooting.

42.   Officials closed some state parks temporarily and all public lands are under a fire ban, including charcoal fires, until further notice, Greer said.

43.   Once some of the water has drained back into the San Joaquin, reclamation district officials can close their flood gate and start pumping the remaining water out.

44.   On the very worst days, government officials would close schools and businesses and urge everybody to remain shut up indoors.

45.   Officials closed all the schools in the district on Friday.

46.   Officials closed the converted military plant that made Wolongsong and announced plans to monitor anyone who took the drug for signs of the AIDS virus.

47.   Pakistani officials have closed to outsiders the camps and the so-called tribal area, which are autonomous territories along the Afghan border ruled by clans.

48.   Parra and government officials close to Chavez did not respond to requests for interviews.

49.   Royal Opera officials closed ranks.

50.   Several minor injuries were reported and officials closed off the street, which was littered with debris.

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