41.   Virginia Bradshaw, the state labor commissioner, complained that federal immigration officials had acted improperly by not notifying the state of its actions beforehand.

42.   When the disease first broke out, health officials acted as if it were contagious, isolating patients and fumigating homes.

43.   When advocates for the Lacandons cried havoc, Mexican federal officials acted.

44.   Yet even some Italian experts say that the Milan officials acted hastily.

45.   RAI said viewers had called to point out the error, and lottery officials acted after reviewing the videotape.

46.   At issue is whether Medford school officials acted properly in preventing Zachary from reading the story and whether the case should be sent back to a lower court.

47.   Authorities said company officials acted swiftly once the leak occurred.

48.   Budich said the union had warned the government about the strike during the summer, but officials did not act until the strike began.

49.   Did the right officials not act on the intelligence in the proper way?

50.   Donen acknowledged that several officials acted together to falsify the report, and it has demoted five of them.

n. + act >>共 1077
government 6.25%
police 3.68%
authority 2.13%
official 2.03%
court 1.83%
company 1.75%
man 1.63%
people 1.58%
president 1.25%
agency 1.12%
official + v. >>共 435
say 47.50%
be 4.69%
decline 1.52%
deny 1.31%
tell 1.13%
have 1.07%
refuse 1.01%
confirm 0.91%
insist 0.87%
believe 0.81%
act 0.05%
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