41.   In death as in life, the ocean liner has been a magnet for technological experimentation and a lightning rod for technological hopes and fears.

42.   In the Mekong Delta, where most of the Vietnamese came from, they would qualify as ocean liners.

43.   Inside, subdued lighting, potted palms and lots of wood paneling give most of the public areas the understated look of a classic ocean liner.

44.   In the old days of cruising, only the wealthy could afford to travel by ocean liner.

45.   It has the lines of a great ocean liner, not the boxy, top-heavy look of many a modern cruise ship.

46.   It is the first ocean liner versatile enough to operate as both a transatlantic liner and a cruise ship.

47.   It vaguely resembles a sleek ocean liner docked beside a quay of elegant rectangular structures rising up in tiers and topped by waves of gray roofs.

48.   It looks as though in price, as well as image, Disney has preserved some of the elitism of the grand old ocean liners.

49.   Judging by the results, that plan went down like an ocean liner playing tag with an iceberg.

50.   July will also see the opening of a Broadway musical about the ill-fated ocean liner.

n. + liner >>共 81
ocean 30.04%
luxury 14.57%
cruise 12.78%
flue 4.04%
passenger 2.91%
lip 2.24%
bed 2.02%
bin 2.02%
paper 1.57%
clay 1.57%
ocean + n. >>共 310
floor 15.98%
liner 7.52%
water 7.01%
current 4.99%
view 3.98%
wave 3.59%
temperature 2.80%
air 2.64%
bottom 2.30%
breeze 2.08%
每页显示:    共 133