41.   In a wider perspective, other states can learn from the Sarawak lesson and be more circumspect when acting against illegal growers and breeders who occupy state land.

42.   Like many Arabs, Nasrallah believes groups that resort to suicide bombings and shootings to attack Israelis occupying Arab lands are resistance fighters, not terrorists.

43.   Mahathir said authorities have taken similar action against Malaysians who occupied government land illegally.

44.   Most of it involves gunmen hired by ranchers and loggers, who attack Indians and poor peasants occupying their land.

45.   Mugabe also condemned white farmers in Zimbabwe who supported foreign sanctions and groups of farmers he alleged were organizing violent retaliation against landless blacks occupying their land.

46.   Mugabe has called the land occupations a justifiable political protest against the descendants of white settlers who occupied land without paying for it during the colonial era.

47.   Nazi Germany occupied Czech lands during World War II.

48.   Nor will it live in peace as long as it occupies Arab lands.

49.   On Friday, the Security Cabinet of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon met and upheld the harsher policy of permanently occupying Palestinian land.

50.   On Monday, Abdullah said that Iran was occupying Arab land and has refused to negotiate over it.

v. + land >>共 670
sell 6.04%
buy 5.72%
own 5.16%
use 3.22%
clear 3.05%
take 2.04%
lease 1.87%
acquire 1.84%
seize 1.77%
confiscate 1.75%
occupy 1.50%
occupy + n. >>共 484
building 5.11%
position 4.07%
land 3.81%
space 3.38%
house 3.25%
part 3.03%
office 2.82%
territory 2.43%
site 2.08%
time 1.95%
每页显示:    共 87