41.   However, the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that anyone wanting access to your credit report must obtain written permission from you.

42.   If you played without obtaining permission from the team and were injured, the team could get out of their contract with you.

43.   In a brilliant marketing stroke, Nygaard obtained permission from NASA to use a photograph of the planet Jupiter beamed back by the Voyager I spacecraft.

44.   In areas near the German border, farmers now need to obtain official permission before transporting livestock.

45.   In a spottily enforced rule, journalists are supposed to obtain the permission of provincial authorities before conducting interviews anywhere in China.

46.   In another case, Chrysler alleged, the lawyer filed the class action without obtaining the permission of the name plaintiff.

47.   In Texas, individuals and companies must obtain permission from the Legislature to sue state government.

48.   Instead, permission must be obtained from the family.

49.   It does not require them to obtain permission.

50.   It obtained permission to implant a camera in second base facing the runner coming from first, but later dropped it as inconsequential.

v. + permission >>共 93
give 18.20%
seek 12.29%
receive 11.34%
grant 8.99%
have 6.81%
obtain 6.21%
get 5.51%
ask 4.91%
refuse 4.33%
request 3.08%
obtain + n. >>共 1088
information 5.50%
permission 3.35%
approval 3.26%
copy 3.21%
visa 2.72%
permit 2.39%
license 2.39%
document 1.91%
loan 1.88%
money 1.27%
每页显示:    共 247