41.   Observers have speculated that Peugeot, Fiat SpA and Honda Motor Co. are all potential takeover targets.

42.   Observers speculate the political rivalry is heating up again as factions prepare for local elections set in October.

43.   Political observers are widely speculating that former Planning Minister Jose Serra will return to the cabinet.

44.   Some observers speculate the perpetrators are trying to extort money from terrified Chinese.

45.   Some observers speculated that Carlsson was trying to rally last-minute support for his party.

46.   Some observers speculated that Yeltsin felt safer with Lebed, a potential campaign rival, confined within the ranks of the army rather than loose on the political scene.

47.   Some observers have also speculated that bin Laden could try to seek refuge in Chechnya.

48.   Some observers have speculated Kim may use his birthday celebrations to further consolidate power.

49.   Some observers speculate that Lebed wants access to the money and information Korzhakov is rumored to have accumulated during his years as a Kremlin insider.

50.   The fighting was especially fierce before national and provincial elections last April, and observers speculate local elections scheduled in October have renewed rivalries.

n. + speculate >>共 254
analyst 11.65%
investor 8.61%
official 7.79%
trader 6.75%
medium 5.89%
newspaper 5.80%
report 4.68%
police 3.77%
expert 3.68%
observer 2.86%
observer + v. >>共 451
say 34.65%
believe 6.43%
be 6.16%
expect 3.51%
note 2.66%
think 2.45%
see 2.42%
agree 2.23%
predict 1.83%
report 1.70%
speculate 0.97%
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