41.   Scattered showers were observed, more numerous on the east and north coasts of Puerto Rico.

42.   Showers were observed in St. Thomas while radar indicated scattered showers on the increase across the remainder of the U.S. Virgin Islands and eastern Puerto Rico.

43.   Tens of thousands of grade-school students across Japan began preparing to observe the shower and compare notes through the Internet.

44.   This morning, widely scattered showers were observed in the Virgin Islands.

45.   Widely scattered light showers were observed across the southern sections of the San Juan metro area over southeast Puerto Rico and over water north of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

46.   Widely scattered showers were observed across the coastal waters north of Puerto Rico.

47.   Widely scattered showers were observed across the west sections of Puerto Rico and over the water north of the islands.

48.   Widely scattered showers were observed by radar across the coastal waters...Affecting mainly the virgin islands and extreme eastern sections of Puerto Rico.

49.   Widely scattered showers were observed, mainly across the eastern coastal waters.

50.   Widely scattered showers were observed mainly over the coastal waters.

v. + shower >>共 156
scattered 14.90%
take 13.17%
expect 9.41%
bring 5.60%
detect 4.93%
forecast 3.59%
produce 3.53%
note 3.53%
have 3.47%
observe 3.42%
observe + n. >>共 791
sky 3.97%
cease-fire 3.89%
moment 3.19%
shower 2.52%
truce 2.19%
election 2.03%
ceasefire 2.03%
minute 1.82%
rule 1.78%
strike 1.70%
每页显示:    共 61