41.   Leading newspapers published stories questioning whether the best days may be over for computer-industry shares.

42.   Last month, when a pro-government newspaper published five long essays written by Raul Salinas, the result was virtually the same.

43.   Major newspapers have published articles blaming Milosevic for the human tragedy in Kosovo, and criticizing Russian foreign policy makers for supporting him.

44.   Major newspapers have published front-page appeals urging readers to show their patriotism by swamping the Time office in New York with votes for Ataturk.

45.   Many newspapers published a front-page picture of the unflappable Avery, his impeccable double-breasted suit and pocket handkerchief unmussed, being carried out of his store by two soldiers.

46.   Most brokerage firms give the current market value of these strips in their monthly statements, and some newspapers also publish their value.

47.   Mexican newspapers published photographs on Monday showing AP photographer Pascual Gorriz bleeding from a head wound.

48.   Ms. Kagalovsky has declined comment but Friday in Moscow a business newspaper published an extensive interview with Mr. Kagalovsky.

49.   Most Israeli newspapers published the New Hampshire results on their front pages.

50.   Most advertising is in both Cyrillic and Latin, and some newspapers have published articles in both scripts to help readers learn the Latin alphabet.

n. + publish >>共 385
newspaper 22.18%
magazine 5.80%
paper 5.21%
company 4.47%
government 3.94%
group 2.82%
report 2.13%
poll 1.49%
journal 1.38%
study 1.17%
newspaper + v. >>共 429
say 31.61%
report 24.99%
quote 3.93%
be 3.13%
publish 2.61%
carry 1.54%
have 1.27%
run 1.06%
give 1.04%
speculate 0.84%
每页显示:    共 415