41.   Analysts expect that if Hawley succeeds in his new position under the tutelage of Zeien, he will be elevated by the board to the chairmanship.

42.   And he has indicated that he would keep his hand in politics in his new position.

43.   And he is not even sure he can throw well enough to play a new position, second base.

44.   And Dianne Kowaleski, executive vice president for marketing services, was named to the new position of executive vice president and chief operating officer.

45.   And although his new positions are mostly compatible with the general Democratic Party worldview, social policy is a potential sticking point.

46.   And Detour magazine, a publication of Detour Magazine Inc. in New York, named John Evans to the new position of chief executive.

47.   And Les Stern, strategic planning director at Bates Europe, London, was named to the new position of Bates Worldwide planning director.

48.   And Mike Russell, senior vice president, was promoted to the new position of executive vice president and will oversee retail services.

49.   And of new positions created since then, many are for part-timers.

50.   And people in the community prey upon her new position.

a. + position >>共 771
new 4.12%
scoring 2.25%
serb 2.19%
same 2.00%
strong 1.70%
israeli 1.69%
better 1.65%
top 1.56%
key 1.39%
good 1.34%
new + n. >>共 1218
government 2.04%
law 1.71%
rule 1.20%
technology 1.10%
company 0.99%
system 0.93%
product 0.92%
one 0.87%
job 0.82%
election 0.74%
position 0.30%
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