41.   Under a Philippine proposal, ASEAN nations would share intelligence on terrorist activities and keep tighter control over their borders to stop the movement of weapons and terrorists.

42.   Under the tentative Greek-Turkish accord, the two nations will share control over military flights in the Aegean, officials said.

43.   U.S. President George W. Bush says all nations share urgent obligation to battle terrorism.

44.   Under the tentative Greek-Turkish accord, the two nations will share control over military flights in the Aegean Sea, officials said.

45.   He said South Pacific nations shared a problem and needed to work together to find solutions.

46.   Developed nations must therefore share the burden of mobilizing the funds needed, Chief Etete argued.

47.   The two nations share the Caribbean island of Hispanola.

48.   The two nations share the island of Hispanola.

49.   South Pacific nations shared a problem and needed to work together to find the solutions.

50.   Still, not all Pacific Island nations share common fishing strategies or similar fisheries resources, while there are similar differences among the distant water fishing nations.

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