41.   Chinese delegates were successful in getting out of the agreement a provision that would have made it easier for developing nations to voluntarily join in emission reductions.

42.   Critics say the convention will remain flawed until those nations join.

43.   Curbing EU spending is seen as an essential condition before up to a dozen new nations can join over the next decade.

44.   He accused NATO of expansionism by launching a study into the terms under which East European nations can join the alliance.

45.   He called on the nation to join forces and help the government cope with the crisis.

46.   He said the West considered Arabs to be animals and suggested that Arab nations join societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals.

47.   He said Israel had to realize that if Palestinian-Israeli violence flares, it will be difficult for Arab nations to join the coalition.

48.   However, a nation can still join the treaty by ratifying it, even if its head of state missed the signing deadline.

49.   Hong Kong slashed its official interest rates by half a point Tuesday, and Philippine Central Bank Governor Rafael Buenaventura hinted his nation might join the rate cutting.

50.   If Palestinian-Israeli violence flares, it will be difficult for Arab and Muslim nations to join such an alliance.

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