41.   CDC officials said nasal swabs would be taken, and antibiotics provided.

42.   Doctors tested nasal swabs, blood and tissue for anthrax, and all the tests were negative for the bacteria, officials said.

43.   Employees already had undergone nasal swab tests.

44.   He said initial blood and nasal swab tests came back negative, but a biopsy test came back positive.

45.   It could take days for the nasal swab test results to come back.

46.   Nasal swabs can show that someone was exposed, but a negative swab does not mean someone was not exposed.

47.   Nasal swabs were used on the staffers to see if there were any anthrax spores in their noses.

48.   Nasal swabs were taken from the staffers to see if there were any anthrax spores in their noses.

49.   Results for two others were pending, with results of those nasal swab tests likely known Monday, said Washoe County health officer Barbara Hunt.

50.   Results for two others were pending, with results of those nasal swab tests likely known Monday, Washoe County health officer Barbara Hunt.

a. + swab >>共 28
nasal 64.04%
vaginal 3.37%
clean 2.25%
positive 2.25%
respiratory 2.25%
antiseptic 1.12%
cotton-tipped 1.12%
dampened 1.12%
dirty 1.12%
dry 1.12%
nasal + n. >>共 102
spray 19.56%
passage 16.64%
swab 10.42%
congestion 5.12%
cavity 3.29%
strip 3.11%
decongestant 2.56%
discharge 2.38%
surgery 2.38%
voice 1.83%
每页显示:    共 57