41.   U.N. officials are also concerned that the Serbs might lash out against Sarajevo or the three Muslim enclaves in eastern Bosnia.

42.   When was a reporter last in Srebrenica, the seething and Serbian-encircled Muslim enclave in eastern Bosnia?

43.   --Will the reinforcements forcibly escort convoys of food and medicine into encircled Muslim enclaves in eastern Bosnia such as Zepa and Srebrenica?

44.   With the takeover of Zepa unstoppable, the Bosnian Serb leadership turned its sights on Gorazde, a larger Muslim enclave to the south.

45.   Only a few months ago, Selim was walking barefoot, running away from the eastern Muslim enclave of Srebrenica, which was overrun by Bosnian Serb forces.

46.   Option D did not formally separate the fate of Sarajevo from the five other Muslim enclaves designated for special U.N. protection.

47.   Only one more Muslim enclave, Gorazde, lies in that region, and Serbs are expected to make it the target of their next major assault.

48.   Only one of five planned relief convoys this week reached the government-held part of the northwestern Muslim enclave.

49.   Overwhelming evidence and the testimony of survivors points to a massacre by the Bosnian Serbs after they took the eastern Muslim enclave.

50.   Possible mass graves have been identified throughout the war, including suspected sites near eastern Muslim enclaves recaptured by the Serbs early in the summer.

a. + enclave >>共 396
eastern 12.05%
muslim 8.91%
moslem 6.20%
jewish 5.33%
bosnian 3.00%
government-held 2.65%
autonomous 2.62%
portuguese 2.39%
besieged 2.24%
northwestern 2.18%
muslim + n. >>共 515
militant 7.80%
group 5.43%
country 4.95%
rebel 4.16%
leader 4.14%
extremist 3.28%
nation 2.63%
world 2.43%
cleric 2.31%
enclave 1.97%
每页显示:    共 304