41.   Outside the former bases, officials say a multiplier effect is being felt in the local economy.

42.   Shafie said the slowdown in second-hand car business had a multiplier effect on the industry, adding that car vendors selling spare parts were also severely affected.

43.   Since low income earners would also consume higher in the present of labor projects,the multiplier effect for the economy would also be high.

44.   The bank will move cautiously in anticipation of less robust economic growth for future years with loans growth affected by the reverse multiplier effect, Md Nor said.

45.   This is known as the multiplier effect.

n. + effect >>共 633
health 11.79%
knock-on 5.10%
year 2.72%
wealth 2.72%
multiplier 2.55%
take 2.49%
spillover 2.44%
contagion 2.04%
snowball 1.59%
tax 1.19%
multiplier + n. >>共 6
effect 88.24%
impact 3.92%
double-counts 1.96%
formula 1.96%
onion 1.96%
process 1.96%
每页显示:    共 45