41.   Next week, the Ways and Means Committee will immediately move toward voting on the legislative language, which is still not publicly available.

42.   Newspapers have moved toward using more versatile and less expensive personal computers.

43.   Now, many studies have moved toward focusing more on personally salient events, in situations more reminiscent of abuse.

44.   On welfare, the administration seems to be moving toward making federal grants to the states conditional on their spending their own money to meet certain federal standards.

45.   Once found, such biomarkers could aid early diagnosis or even, Zimmerman has said, move toward preventing it.

46.   PC buyers have been moving toward buying more powerful machines to take advantage of multimedia software and Internet capabilities.

47.   POSSIBLE CHANGE IN IMF POSITION The IMF may be moving toward endorsing rules that would prevent another surge in foreign bank lending.

48.   Relations between China and Taiwan are now moving toward raising fists while badgering each other.

49.   Russian loans have risen all month amid optimism Russia is moving toward completing its foreign debt negotiations.

50.   Sen. Bob Dole swept seven more states last Tuesday, and moved toward locking up the nomination with the withdrawal of Steve Forbes.

v. + toward >>共 741
work 11.09%
look 5.27%
gear 5.09%
point 5.04%
gravitate 3.20%
direct 3.02%
tilt 2.76%
push 2.60%
go 2.58%
move 2.33%
move + p. >>共 107
with 41.06%
as 5.60%
from 4.82%
after 4.66%
in 3.86%
without 3.64%
toward 3.16%
for 2.88%
of 2.82%
like 2.62%
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