41.   The move will raise the number of shareholders in Singapore Aircraft Leasing to four.

42.   The moves also raise First Amendment issues in the U.S. about freedom of speech.

43.   The unexpected move raised anticipation that the Bank of Canada and the Federal Reserve may consider raising their own benchmark rates to keep their securities competitive.

44.   The WHO quickly visited Vector and designated it as the official site, but the move raised suspicions.

45.   Those moves raised some concerns among investors, especially because the bonds are now worth much less than they were when they were first sold.

46.   Although prosecutors said they were considering whether to indict seven men, the move raised new uncertainties about whether any of the aging suspects will be brought to court.

47.   BALI, Indonesia -- OPEC oil ministers agree Tuesday to extend their current production limits for one more year, a move intended to raise oil prices.

48.   Her move raised the ante in a struggle that could determine the fate of Bosnia.

49.   His moves have raised the hopes of many people that the East Timor turmoil can be stopped, too.

50.   Prosecutors are still considering whether to indict seven men, but the move raised new uncertainties about whether any of the aging suspects would be brought to court.

n. + raise >>共 1962
company 3.48%
government 3.20%
official 2.12%
case 2.01%
report 1.77%
bank 1.09%
rate 0.90%
incident 0.90%
group 0.86%
move 0.83%
move + v. >>共 446
be 27.02%
come 9.70%
follow 3.50%
help 2.13%
make 2.09%
have 1.66%
allow 1.47%
give 1.37%
appear 1.31%
mean 1.29%
raise 0.65%
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