41.   Morales said the two officers are not allowed to comment, and a police report is not available.

42.   Morales also says he never benefited from affirmative action.

43.   Morales said Cornyn was a liar motivated by politics.

44.   Morales said hatching specific plans requires information and time, both unavailable to him as a candidate campaigning with paltry resources on the roads of Texas.

45.   Morales said he does not believe the poll accurately reflects his support among Anglo voters.

46.   Morales said he doubted that there would be a rematch.

47.   Morales said he not only rides his Harleys for image or relaxation.

48.   Morales said he will stick to his previous promise not to accept political action committee contributions, and Democratic activists are offering to help him.

49.   Morales said he would fight any effort to delay the Texas trial in order to continue settlement negotiations.

50.   Morales said his arrangement underscored the need for federal action, which would secure new regulatory powers for the Food and Drug Administration.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
morale 0.02%
morale + v. >>共 177
be 37.31%
say 14.42%
plummet 2.22%
remain 1.94%
suffer 1.66%
sink 1.53%
seem 0.97%
call 0.97%
improve 0.97%
want 0.83%
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