41.   Some analysts downplayed the money flows.

42.   Stock prices will get a boost as pension money flows into the market, investors said.

43.   That Thailand is willing to turn the screws on companies was clear this month when it tightened controls on money flows into and out of the country.

44.   That means that the effort to cut off the money flow to terrorists could include fighting counterfeiting.

45.   The alternative is to watch the money flow out the door.

46.   The boycott threat added to international pressure on Switzerland and banks to provide more information on money flows into the country during and after World War II.

47.   The current account compares the value of exports and inward money flows to imports and outward money flows.

48.   The corridor will soon approach New York, the world capital of money flow, in total dollar transactions.

49.   The Dow Jones Industrial Average remained relatively unscathed, attracting more positive money flow.

n. + flow >>共 328
blood 21.39%
capital 9.90%
traffic 6.19%
air 5.93%
water 5.41%
wind 4.41%
money 3.22%
lava 3.00%
investment 2.71%
order 1.85%
money + n. >>共 797
manager 24.62%
list 3.58%
management 2.65%
firm 2.35%
problem 2.10%
transfer 1.85%
changer 1.56%
title 1.51%
donation 1.47%
flow 1.44%
每页显示:    共 87