41.   But sometimes, the models have thoughts of their own.

42.   But the Boeing model has no moving parts, saving on maintenance, and is smaller, so it creates less disruption in the air flowing past the plane.

43.   But that is only appropriate considering it was only a couple of years or so ago that I realized that models had names.

44.   But the Asian model has had problems of its own.

45.   But the latest models have many features that would be upscale in a home stereo system.

46.   But the models will have a harder time.

47.   But the Texas model also has flaws.

48.   Early models had shortcomings.

49.   Even the base model has excellent handling characteristics and great pickup.

50.   Even the current models have a lot in common with the original.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
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people 1.78%
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state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
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model 0.10%
model + v. >>共 541
be 29.13%
have 6.47%
come 3.04%
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