41.   The Zairian defense ministry Friday denied that Kindu was anywhere near falling.

42.   However, the Russian defense ministry denied the report, ITAR-TASS said.

43.   In Baghdad, the Iraqi defense ministry denied that any such confrontation had occurred.

44.   In a statement the ministry denied the military was split, and dismissed reports that Grachev had assumed temporary command of the Chechnya operation.

45.   In another development Monday, the Zairean defence ministry denied claims that the government was rearming troops of the former Rwandan army at Tingi-Tingi.

46.   In Baghdad, the Iraqi defense ministry denied that any confrontation had occurred and accused the White House of fabricating an incident to help President Bill Clinton get reelected.

47.   In Baghdad, the Iraqi defense ministry denied that any confrontation had occurred and accused the White House of fabricating an incident to help President Bill Clinton get re-elected.

48.   In Baghdad, the Iraqi defense ministry denied that any such incident had occurred.

49.   In Zagreb, the defence ministry denied Croatian responsibility and said the attack on the journalists had come from separatist Serbs.

50.   But by Friday afternoon, the French foreign ministry was still denying it had been officially informed of the plan.

n. + deny >>共 544
official 18.30%
government 9.67%
company 4.30%
spokesman 3.54%
authority 2.90%
police 2.32%
leader 2.13%
army 1.87%
military 1.79%
group 1.77%
ministry 0.98%
ministry + v. >>共 628
say 40.69%
be 3.96%
announce 2.35%
have 2.17%
deny 1.47%
confirm 1.41%
refuse 1.40%
decline 1.14%
give 1.08%
plan 1.07%
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