41.   The foreign ministry announced the visit Friday.

42.   The French agriculture ministry announced Friday that it was banning imports of livestock from Ireland amid disease concerns.

43.   The government has selected a Malaysian company as the winning bidder for a major island resort development project in southern Cambodia, the tourism ministry announced Saturday.

44.   The ministry announced that French citizens could submit applications immediately to receive an indemnity for the bonds that became worthless when the Bolsheviks seized power.

45.   The ministry announced that one of the Saudis was beheaded in Medina for indecently assaulting a countryman then killing him.

46.   The ministry announced the items would be burned out of respect for Callas, but later reversed itself.

47.   The ministry of education announced this week it will require the use of feminized titles, something the sages at the Academie Francaise are fighting to block.

48.   The heroin was discovered last Thursday but the ministry announced the catch only Monday.

49.   The justice ministry announced Thursday that it will look into allegations of misconduct in a high profile treason trial rife with scandal.

50.   The ministry announced the cut late Monday, saying it was made on the instructions of President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

n. + announce >>共 535
government 14.60%
company 12.38%
official 7.44%
authority 2.60%
police 2.53%
group 2.04%
ministry 1.75%
administration 1.57%
team 1.44%
leader 1.37%
ministry + v. >>共 628
say 40.69%
be 3.96%
announce 2.35%
have 2.17%
deny 1.47%
confirm 1.41%
refuse 1.40%
decline 1.14%
give 1.08%
plan 1.07%
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