41.   Arab leaders asked Turkey on Sunday to reconsider its military pact with Israel in the final declaration of their two-day summit in Cairo.

42.   Britain signed a military pact with the UAE on Thursday committing it to defend the emirate in the envent of an attack.

43.   But the official denied the deal represented a military pact aimed at removing the Taliban from their positions around Kabul.

44.   Damascus and Ankara are at odds over a Turkish-Israeli military pact, which Arab countries see as a threat to their security.

45.   Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Mussa headed for Ankara on Thursday for talks on a military pact between Turkey and Israel which has raised protests from Arab countries.

46.   The troops have streamed into Bosnia following a Zagreb-Sarajevo military pact signed last weekend.

47.   Turkey and Israel last year signed two key military pacts despite strong condemnation by Arab states and Iran.

48.   Western political and defence leaders called Saturday for a broader new Atlantic alliance going beyond the NATO military pact to embrace economic and strategic issues.

49.   It has signed military pacts with the United States, Britain, France and Russia, and hopes to sign one with China.

50.   Lebanon said Tuesday it was concerned about a Turkish-Israeli military pact which amounted to an indirect intervention in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

a. + pact >>共 265
new 11.61%
military 5.91%
similar 5.81%
such 4.20%
global 2.80%
bilateral 2.80%
proposed 2.70%
economic 2.10%
secret 1.90%
electoral 1.80%
military + n. >>共 632
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action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
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